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Empowering through shared knowledge

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We offer trainings for all levels, tailored for both designers and aid workers. Our aim is to narrow the gap by upskilling professionals within their own practice and by raising awareness about the standards in each sector. This promotes better mutual understanding and collaboration.

Five day online training

This training is made for people motivated to volunteer in Greece. It has a five-day newsletter crafted after spending two years on Lesvos island and noticing the lack of time and resources from coordinators to train a constant flux of incoming volunteers.
If you are interested in the 101 of humanitarian aid, do no harm principles, Greek modern history, and hotspots’ migration contexts, this training is made for you.

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At Humanitarian Designers, we believe in the power of sharing knowledge and continuously advancing the discussion around the collaboration between designers and humanitarians. We are committed to keeping you updated and have centralized secondary resources for your convenience. By following the link to our Notion database, you can access information on current and past research and advocacy by academia and field actors in this field. Together, we can drive progress and make a meaningful impact in the world of humanitarian design.

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